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1. A method of finding out which components a gaseous or liquid mixture contains that involves passing it through or over something that absorbs the different components at different rates: Chromatography involves the mixture of materials to be separated and percolated through a column or sheet of some suitable chosen absorbent; for example, an ion-exchange material; the substances least absorbed are least retarded and emerge the earliest; those more strongly absorbed emerge later.
2. The separation of chemical substances and particles; originally plant pigments and other highly colored compounds by differential movement through a two-phase system.
2. The separation of chemical substances and particles; originally plant pigments and other highly colored compounds by differential movement through a two-phase system.
This entry is located in the following units:
chromato-, chromat-, chromo-, chrom-, chro-, -chrome, -chromasia, -chromia, -chromatism, -chromatic, -chromatically, -chromy
(page 3)
grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia
(page 17)