You searched for: “cholangiographies
cholangiography (s) (noun), cholangiographies (pl)
A radiographic examination of the bile ducts: The cholangiographies are done because a person's liver makes bile, a chemical that helps people to digest food.

The plumbing system of ducts that runs between people's liver, gallbladder, and small intestine is how bile moves around.

Some of the bile goes to work in a person's small intestine and the rest gets stored in his or her gallbladder.

An intraoperative cholangiography is a special kind of X-ray imaging that shows those bile ducts. It's used during surgery and with a typical X-ray, the physician gets one picture; however, a cholangiography shows the doctor a live video of the patient's bile ducts so he, or she, can see what's happening in real-time.

Typically, a cholangiography is used when the patient has gallstones and he or she needs the gallbladder removed.

The doctor will make a few small cut in the person's body (called laparoscopic surgery). Then he or she will put a tiny video camera through one of the cuts to help him/her with the operation.

During this surgery, an intraoperative cholangiogram or cholangiography may help the doctor do the following:

  • Check for bile-duct stones.
  • Determine if stones in a person's gallbladder have moved into the bile ducts.
  • The bile stones don't always cause symptoms, but they can lead to serious problems such as an infection.