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cheiropractor, chiropractor
Someone who practices cheiropractic or chiropractic treatments.
The practice in which a nonpharmaceutical, nonsurgical system of health care is based on the self-healing capacity of the body and the primary importance of the proper functions of the nervous system in the maintenance of health.
Therapy is aimed at removing irritants to the nervous system and restoring proper functions. The most common method of treatment is by spinal manipulation and is primarily done for musculoskeletal complaints; other methods include lifestyle modification, nutritional therapy, and physiotherapy.
"Straight chiropractic" is the practice of chiropractic in strict accordance with the principles of its founder, D.D. Palmer, without additions made by later practitioners. The original definition of subluxation as a vertebral displacement is adhered to, and chiropractic is considered to be non-therapeutic, its purpose being solely to contribute to health by the correction of vertebral subluxations.
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Health care professionals who concentrate on nonsurgical and drugless treatments for patients and they use physical manipulations and procedures that are intended to relieve illnesses or injuries: "Chiropractors center on the idea that unaligned vertebrae and their surrounding ligaments put pressures on spinal nerves, causing pains and a variety of internal disorders."
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Health Care Providers, Health-Care Providers, Healthcare Providers
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