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1. Someone who enjoys or is fond of cold winters: Tim's next-door neighbor, a chimonophile, loved the winter months, especially the snow, because he enjoyed skiing in the Alps!
2. A plants that exhibits maximum development during the winter: The Siberian Iris is considered to be a chimonophile in that it does very well in very cold winter months.
2. A plants that exhibits maximum development during the winter: The Siberian Iris is considered to be a chimonophile in that it does very well in very cold winter months.
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cheimo-, cheim-; chimo-, chim-; cheimato-, cheimat-; chimato-, chimat-
(page 1)
philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
(page 15)