You searched for:
1. The tendency of an organism or part of an organism to bend toward or away from a chemical stimulus.
2. An orientation response to a chemical stimulus.
2. An orientation response to a chemical stimulus.
This entry is located in the following units:
chemo-, chem-, chemico-, chemi-, -chemist, -chemic, -chemical +
(page 5)
-ism, -ismus
(page 11)
tropo-, trop-, -tropal, -trope(s), -tropic, -tropism, -tropia, -tropous, -tropy, trep-
(page 2)
The bending or movement of an organism, or part of an organism, in response to an outer chemical stimulus.
This entry is located in the following units:
chemo-, chem-, chemico-, chemi-, -chemist, -chemic, -chemical +
(page 5)
tropho-, troph-, -trophy, -trophs, -trophically, -trophic, -trophous
(page 3)