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Rare, pain in a foot or in both feet: Not only did Jerry feel an unhealthy sensation in his left hand, but also in his left foot, and his doctor told him, after examining him, that he most likely had a condition of cheiropodalgia, but more testing and examining would be necessary.
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algesi-, alge-, alges-, algesio-, algi-, algio-, -algesia, -algesic, -algetic, -algic, -algia, -algy
(page 4)
cheiropodalgia, chiropodalgia
Pain in the extremities; such as, fingers, toes, hands, feet, etc.).
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cheiro-, cheir-, chiro-, chir-, -cheiria, -chiria +
(page 3)
cheiropodalgia, chiropodalgia
Pain in the hands and in the feet.
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podo-, pod-, -poda, -pod, -pode, -podium, -podia, -podial, -podous, -pody
(page 1)