You searched for: “centipede
1. A venomous predatory arthropod of the order Chilopoda, characterized by one pair of legs per leg-bearing segment. The venom is injected through the first pair of leg-like appendages, modified into piercing claws; the bites may be painful and locally necrotic, but seldom are dangerous, except to very young children. Genera found in the U.S. include Scutigera, Lithobius, Scolopendra, and Geophilus.
2. A name given to wingless vermiform articulated animals having many feet, constituting the order Cheilopoda of the class Myriapoda. Those of tropical countries are very venomous.
This entry is located in the following units: centi-, cent- (page 2) ped-, pedi-, -pedal, -ped, -pede, -pedia (page 2)
(Latin: foot, feet; people often see this ped element in other words. When people refer to "pedal extremities", they mean "feet". When anyone pushes the pedals of a bicycle, it is done with the feet. A pedestrian must use the feet for walking. A quadruped has four feet while a centipede has "100 feet"; or a large number of them because it may be impossible to count all of them.)