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This entry is located in the following units:
centi-, cent-
(page 2)
meter-, metro-, metr-, -metrical, -metrically, -metron, -metric, -metrist, -meter, -meters, -metry, -metre
(page 8)
(Latin: prefix; indicating electromagnetic units of the centimeter-gram-second system)
Word Entries containing the term:
abampere centimeter squared, aAcm2
The unit of magnetic moment in the electromagnetic centimeter-gram-second system.
abampere per square centimeter, aA/cm2
The unit of current density in the electromagnetic centimeter-gram-second system.
In the electromagnetic centimeter-gram-second (cgs) system of units, the unit of electric dipole moment.
abcoulomb per cubic centimeter, aC/cm3
The electromagnetic centimeter-gram-second unit of volume density of charge.
abcoulomb per square centimeter, aC/cm2
The electromagnetic centimeter-gram-second unit of surface density of charge, electric polarization, and displacement.
The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of electric field strength: In his physics class in college, Timothy learned about the advolt per centimetre and what it was applied to.
centimeter-gram-second system, CGS system
A system of measurement based on fundamental units of a centimeter for length, a gram for mass, and a second for time.
Introduced by the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1874, it was the system commonly used in science for many years, until eventually replaced with the MKS system (meter-kilogram-second system) and then the International System of Units (SI).
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gram-, -gram-, -gram, -grammatic, -grammatical, -grammatically, -gramme, -grammic +
(page 4)
Word Entries at Get Words:
centimeter, cm
A metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Measurements and Mathematics Terms
(page 4)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
cubic centimeter, cc
1. A metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter.
2. A unit of capacity, being that of a cube each side of which measures one centimeter; equal to one milliliter.
2. A unit of capacity, being that of a cube each side of which measures one centimeter; equal to one milliliter.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Measurements and Mathematics Terms
(page 5)
twenty-one centimeter radiation
The common name given to radio waves emitted at 1,420 megahertz as the result of the "flipping over" of the electron in a hydrogen atom in order to oppose the spin direction of the central proton.
The radiation is an example of line emission.
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Astronomy and related astronomical terms
(page 27)