An article used in certain religious services; such as, a container for burning incense: The priest walked slowly, swinging the censer while chanting prayers.
Someone who examines things for nonconformity or possible evil: The censor told the reporter that he was not allowed to speak on TV because he was going to attack the administration of the dictator.
To examine and to subject a book, writer, etc. for suppression or prevention from becoming known, when it is regarded as objectionable for any reason: The film board was determined to censor the imported film due to what was perceived to be inappropriate language.
censure (SEN shur) (
A condemnation or formal, public statement of disapproval of someone or something: Verna was held up for public censure because of her radical views regarding birth control.
censure (SEN shur) (
To express disapproval typically in a formal presentation: The judge will censure the local hockey coach when the coach appears in court.
sensor (SEN suhr, SEN sor") (
A device capable of detecting and responding to physical stimuli; such as, movement, light, or heat: To enhance her sense of safety, the electrician installed a light sensor at the corner of the garage which would illuminate the backyard.
"A homonym is a word which is similar to another in sound, but has a different meaning; such as, in the sentence: Censers smell sweet, censors are foul."
—Evan Esar
"A censor is a faultfinder who always sticks his no's into other people's business and a moralist who is always trying to tie the nation into hard not's."
—Evan Esar
During the tour of the church, the guide demonstrated how the censer was used; however, in doing so, he activated the smoke sensor and set off the fire alarm.
This brought him the censure of his supervisor who sometimes acted like a censor by telling the guides what and what not to say.