You searched for: “ceiling
ceiling, sealing
ceiling (SEEL ing) (noun)
1. The top of a room or any overhanging structural area: The painter applied green paint to the ceiling in the living room.
2. An upper limit, especially as set by a regulation: The government set a wage ceiling for the next year.
sealing (SEEL ing) (noun)
1. A design, initial, or other device which is placed on an official letter or document: The prince used a new sealing on the official envelope before giving it to the courier.
2. Something that closes or fastens tightly or securely: When packing to move, Kristy used tape as sealing for the boxes.

A sign in a munitions factory stated: "If you insist on smoking in this building, be prepared to leave this world through a hole in the ceiling."

—E.C. McKenzie

Once the ceiling was finished, the painters used a coat of sealing before starting to paint.

(Latin: chamber; from Greek kamara, anything with a vaulted or arched cover; a vault, arched ceiling, or roof)
Word Entries containing the term: “ceiling
acoustical ceiling (s) (noun), acoustical ceilings (pl)
The top of a room that is covered with, or constructed with, material that is designed to control or to absorb sounds: It was necessary for the gym, where the students played basketball, to have an acoustical ceiling because all of the noise caused by the students or players and the spectators was irritating everyone.