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cause, cause, caws
cause (KAWS) (noun)
1. A strong social position or movement which adherents believe must be defended: The young man stood proudly behind the cause of his friends to raise money for charity during school hours.
2. Something or someone that produces an effect, result, or condition: The exact cause of the accident is still not known.
2. Something or someone that produces an effect, result, or condition: The exact cause of the accident is still not known.
cause (KAWS) (verb)
To make something happen or exist: If he swerved the car, it could cause an accident.
caws (KAWS) (noun)
The cry or "song" of such birds as crows or ravens which are loud and raucous: The ravens at the Tower of London greeted the day with loud caws and much wing flapping.
The caws of the crows were the cause of Olivia's waking up early in the morning.
Fortunately, this gave her more time to prepare for the committee that was working for the cause of the unemployed.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
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