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caudal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to the posterior or tail part of a body: In class, the students saw a photo of a fish including its caudal fin.
2. Taillike: In the fairy tale, a creature with caudal appendages appeared from behind a big bush. .
2. Taillike: In the fairy tale, a creature with caudal appendages appeared from behind a big bush. .
caudal (KAWD'l) (adjective)
1. Toward the lower part of the body.
2. Physically situated at, or near the tail or hind parts; posterior.
3. Etymology: from Modern Latin caudalis, from Latin cauda, "tail of an animal"; caud, "tail" or "lower part of the body" + -al, "referring to, pertaining to". Caudal is the opposite of cephalic.
2. Physically situated at, or near the tail or hind parts; posterior.
3. Etymology: from Modern Latin caudalis, from Latin cauda, "tail of an animal"; caud, "tail" or "lower part of the body" + -al, "referring to, pertaining to". Caudal is the opposite of cephalic.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Medical Terms and Their Essential Word Parts
(page 1)
caudal, caudle, coddle
caudal (KAWD'l) (adjective)
Relating to or situated towards the end of the body: The rooster has large brightly colored feathers at the caudal end of his body.
caudle (KAWD'l) (noun)
A warm drink for invalids made of bread, eggs, sugar and spices: The nurse mixed a warm caudle to give to the ill person who came to the hospital.
coddle (KOD'l) (verb)
1. To treat someone with too much care or kindness; to pamper: Pam has a tendency to coddle her children.
2. To cook slowly in liquid that is just below the boiling point: On Sunday mornings he liked to coddle an egg or two for breakfast.
2. To cook slowly in liquid that is just below the boiling point: On Sunday mornings he liked to coddle an egg or two for breakfast.
The doctor advised the mother not to coddle her son so much because she made a dish of caudle every night for him before bed.
Then one night, Billie spilled the caudle on purpose and the mother spanked him on his caudal.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Confusing Words Clarified: Group C; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 3)
Word Entries containing the term:
caudal anesthesia, caudal epidural anesthesia, caudal block (s) (noun); caudal anesthesias; caudal epidural anesthesias; caudal blocks (pl)
Anesthesia produced by injection of a local anesthetic into the caudal canal (toward the caudal or tail), the sacral portion (large heavy bone at the base of the spine) of the spinal canal: Caudal anesthesia is used to provide anesthesia and analgesia (pain relief) below the umbilicus.
Caudal anesthesia may be the sole anesthetic, or it can be combined with a general anesthesia.
For her knee operation, Dr. Smith, the anesthesiologist, administered a caudal anesthesia so Pearl was awake during the operation but she didn't feel any pain.
This entry is located in the following units:
aesth-, esth-, aesthe-, esthe-, aesthesio-, esthesio-, aesthesia-, -esthesia, -aesthetic, -esthetic, -aesthetical, -esthetical, -aesthetically, -esthetically
(page 7)
algesi-, alge-, alges-, algesio-, algi-, algio-, -algesia, -algesic, -algetic, -algic, -algia, -algy
(page 4)
Continuous injection of an anesthetic solution into the sacral (triangular bone in lower back) and lumbar plexuses (network of nerves) within the epidural space (in the spine): A continuous caudal analgesia is used to relieve the pain of parturition (act of giving birth).
Continuous caudal analgesia is also used in general surgery to block the pain pathways caudal (back o thef body) to the umbilicus (navel or hollow on surface of stomach).
This entry is located in the following unit:
algesi-, alge-, alges-, algesio-, algi-, algio-, -algesia, -algesic, -algetic, -algic, -algia, -algy
(page 5)