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1. The follow-up medical, or also a psychiatric, history after a person is discharged from special treatment or a hospital: Jane kept a copy of the catamnesis, which was the information collected by the doctor's questions and was useful in providing a diagnosis and her follow-up medical care.
2. The case history of a patient after the onset of a medical or a mental illness, or following an illness: Dr. Smith didn't use the term catamnesis, but used the term medical record, to describe the questions he asked Sam and Sam's answers regarding his health situation, in addition to the physical exams that had taken place.
2. The case history of a patient after the onset of a medical or a mental illness, or following an illness: Dr. Smith didn't use the term catamnesis, but used the term medical record, to describe the questions he asked Sam and Sam's answers regarding his health situation, in addition to the physical exams that had taken place.
This entry is located in the following units:
cata-, cat-, cath-, kata-
(page 3)
mne-, mnem-, mnemon-, mnes-, -mnesia, -mnesiac, -mnesic, -mnestic
(page 2)