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1. An association of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of products or services: Different companies joined together in a cartel to restrict the supply of their goods in order to keep the prices at a higher level.
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While a cartel is usually a group of business representatives from independent companies, the term can also refer to a coalition of politicians who are united for what their voters want to be achieved.
2. Etymology: "a written challenge", from Middle French cartel; from Italian cartello, diminutive of carta, "card". It came to mean "written agreement between challengers" in about 1692.Go to this Word A Day Revisited Index
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cart-, carto-
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(the Mexican marijuana trade is more robust and brazen than ever before)
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Mexican Cartels moving north
Mexican drug cartels moving into the U.S.
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Words at Work in the Print Media: INDEX
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