You searched for: “care
Units related to: “care
(Latin: care, heal, cure; care for, give attention to, to take care of)
(Greek: worry, anxiety, care, grief, trouble, to be concerned for; protector, guardian, most worthy of care)
(Greek: thought, care, attention; think, thinking, contemplation)
(a bionic hand which is considered a next-generation prosthetic device which appeals to both patients and health care professionals)
(Latin: to care for, to till [the ground], to cherish; to dwell, to inhabit)
(learn more about where words came from and who their family members are)
(Latin: healthy, whole; by extension: cure, heal, take care of; sound in mind and body)
Word Entries containing the term: “care
ambulatory care (adjective), more ambulatory care, most ambulatory care
A reference to health services that are provided on an outpatient basis: Those who visit a hospital, or another healthcare facility, and then go back home after treatment on the same day, are identified as being ambulatory care patients.
family-care leave (s) (noun), family-care leaves (pl)
Permission to be absent from one's work to care for a member that is usually living with parents and their offspring: The family-care leave is a period when an employee is allowed to care for a family member who is pregnant, ill, disabled, or incapacitated.
This entry is located in the following unit: famil- (page 2)
nursing care (s) (noun), nursing cares (pl)
The process by which patients are helped by someone who is trained to be concerned about them and to aid them in recovering from an illness or an injury, or to regain as much physical independence as possible: Those who are trained in nursing care are often more interested in the patient's overall reactions to the ailment than with the medical problem itself and they are devoted to the control of physical pain, the relief of mental suffering, and, when possible, the avoidance of any complications.
This entry is located in the following unit: nutri-, nutrit- (page 1)
palliative care (s) (noun), palliative cares (pl)
1. A series of approaches of specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses:Palliative care emphasizes on providing patients with relief from the symptoms of pain, physical stress, and mental stress of a serious illness.

The objectives of palliative cares involve therapies that are meant to improve the quality of life for both the patients and their families.

Palliative care is provided by a team of physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and other health professionals who work together with the primary care physician or other specialists in order to provide extra support even for patients who don't have the aid of hospital or hospice staff.

Palliative care can be provided in several places including hospitals, in the patient's home, as part of other community palliative care programs, and in skilled nursing facilities.

Palliative care makes use of a multidisciplinary approach to patient care by relying on input from pharmacists, nurses, chaplains, social workers, psychologists, and other allied health professionals in formulating a plan of care to relieve suffering in all of the areas of a patient's life.

This multidisciplinary approach allows the palliative care group to address physical, emotional, spiritual and social concerns that develop with advanced illnesses.

2. Etymology: derived from Latin palliare, "to cloak" and refers to specialized medical care for people who have serious illnesses.
— Compiled from a variety of sources located in care
This entry is located in the following unit: palli-, pallio, pallit- (page 1)
primary care (s) (noun) (usually no plural)
Medical support from a doctor who diagnoses a patient's condition first and then provides basic treatment or makes a decision that the patient should see a medical specialist: Mary's doctor provides primary care for many people who cannot normally pay for such treatment.
This entry is located in the following units: bubo-, bubon- + (page 1) prim-, primi-, primo- (page 2)
urgent care
A place where people who are sick or injured can go for immediate treatment instead of a hospital emergency room.
This entry is located in the following unit: urge-, urg- + (page 1)
(medical professionals and scientists who specialize in designated areas of medical care)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “care
Health Care Providers

Medical professionals and scientists who specialize in specific areas of medical care.

This entry is located in the following unit: Index of Scientific and Technological Topics (page 2)
primary care physician (s), primary care physicians (pl) (nouns)
Those medical doctors who plan and provide comprehensive primary health care to all members of families, regardless of ages or sexes, on a continuing basis: "Primary care physicians are doctors who are in charge of managing family member’s health care needs."
This entry is located in the following unit: Health Care Providers, Health-Care Providers, Healthcare Providers (page 3)