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carbo-, carb-
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Information is located at Chemical Element: carbon.
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Chemical Elements List
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(Latin: carbo, coal, charcoal; nonmetal)
(Greek: coal, charcoal, carbuncle; carbon-dioxide)
(Greek: smoke; vapor; sooty [extended meaning is carbon dioxide])
(out of the laboratory and producing real applications)
(Arabic: boraq, and Persian, burah [borax]; BORax + carbON; nonmetal)
(Greek: twig; later, in modern usage: repetition, carbon copy, same)
Word Entries containing the term:
A highly porous form of carbon, typically from wood, lignite, coal, or coconut shells: Activated carbon is widely used as a filtration medium with the purpose of removing taste and odor from water by absorbing organic compounds.
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ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit-
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1. A blood-gas electrode that is used to measure the carbon dioxide level of arterial blood.
2. A glass electrode in a film of bicarbonate solution covered by a thin plastic membrane permeable to carbon dioxide but impermeable to water and electrolytes which is normally used to analyze arterial blood samples.
2. A glass electrode in a film of bicarbonate solution covered by a thin plastic membrane permeable to carbon dioxide but impermeable to water and electrolytes which is normally used to analyze arterial blood samples.
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electro-, electr-, electri-
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Carbon Nanotubes
Scientists have found a use for carbon nanotubes as they take them out of the laboratory and produce real applications.
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Nanotechnology: Index of Articles
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Carbon contained in the solid surface layer of the Earth: The amount of soil carbon in the ground is a function of the historic vegetative cover and productivity, which in turn is influenced by climatic variables.
Carbon that is contained in vegetation and soil: Tom had his garden soil tested and it turned out to contain terrestrial carbon, which had many positive aspects, like increasing microbial activity.
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terr-, terra-, -ter
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total organic carbon (TOC)
The quantity of organic compounds dissolved in water, measured as pure carbon.
The TOC of a body of water affects biogeochemical processes, nutrient cycling, biological availability, and chemical transport and interactions. It also has direct implications for drinking water quality and wastewater treatment.
(Algenol, an algae strain of microscopic plantlike organisms that feed off sunlight and carbon dioxide; a biofuel greener and cheaper than oil or corn-fed ethanol)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
carbon cycle
A material cycle in which carbon flows through an ecosystem.
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Geography Terms +
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