You searched for: “camp
This entry is located in the following unit: camp (page 1)
A unit related to: “camp
(Latin: flat space, plain; of or pertaining to fields)
Word Entries at Get Words: “camp
camp, ranch
Any of several types of similar correctional confinement facilities for adults or juveniles, usually located in rural area.
This entry is located in the following unit: Criminal Court Words or Judicial Terms + (page 6)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “camp
camporee: camp + jamboree
1. An assembly or gathering of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts on a local or district level.
2. A blend of camp and jamboree.
  • Camp: A place where tents, huts, or other temporary shelters are set up, as by Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, soldiers, nomads, or travelers.
  • Jamboree: A large assembly, often international; especially, of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts
This entry is located in the following unit: Blends of Words: Portmanteaus or Portmanteaux + (page 1)