You searched for: “calcium
This entry is located in the following unit: calci-, calc-, calcane-, calcio-, calco-, calcar-, calx (page 3)
Information is located at Chemical Element: calcium.
This entry is located in the following unit: Chemical Elements List (page 2)
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Units related to: “calcium
(Latin: lime, calcium; heel, bone of the tarsus; to tread; derived from calx, calcis, "limestone, lime, pebble"; from Greek words halix and psephos, "small stone, pebble".)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, calx, calcis, lime; metal)
Word Entries containing the term: “calcium
calcium rigor
Stopping the heart in the fully contracted state as a result of poisoning with calcium.
This entry is located in the following units: calci-, calc-, calcane-, calcio-, calco-, calcar-, calx (page 3) rigi-, rig- (page 1)
ionized calcium
The ionized, unbound, non-complexed fraction of serum calcium that is biologically active.
This entry is located in the following unit: ion, ion- + (page 7)