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bronchophony, bronchophonies
1. The sound of the voice heard through the stethoscope over a healthy bronchus and over other portions of the chest in cases of lung consolidation of tissue.
2. The sound of the voice heard in the bronchi by means of the stethoscope; especially, the increased vocal resonance heard in certain diseased conditions of the lungs, imitating the voice-sound heard over the healthy bronchi.
2. The sound of the voice heard in the bronchi by means of the stethoscope; especially, the increased vocal resonance heard in certain diseased conditions of the lungs, imitating the voice-sound heard over the healthy bronchi.
This entry is located in the following units:
broncho-, bronch-, bronchi-, bronchio-
(page 2)
phon-, phono-, -phone, -phonia, -phonic, -phonetic, -phonous, -phonically, -phonetically, -phony +
(page 3)