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(Latin: armpit; angle; borrowed directly from Latin ala which meant both "wing" and "the hollow under a wing or an arm")
(Greek balaustion > Latin balaustium: supporting post of a railing on a balcony, staircase, etc. Borrowed from Italian balaustro, from balaustra; so called because of the resemblance of a baluster to the double-curving calyx tube of the "wild pomegranate flower".)
(Latin: crooked, crookedness; perverted, vicious, wicked; borrowed through Old French depraver or directly from Latin depravare, "to corrupt"; from de, "completely" + pravus, "crooked")
(Latin: borrowed from Old French saison, seison, "a sowing, planting", from Latin sationem, "a sowing"; also in Latin, "time of sowing, seeding time.")