You searched for: “biological
1. Pertaining to living organisms or life processes.
2. A reference to the products and operations of applied biology.
3. Any substance, as a serum or vaccine, derived from animal products or other biological sources and used to treat or to prevent disease.
(using human biological traits for security screening)
(biological theft by illegally collecting indigenous plants, microbes, enzymes, etc. by corporations who patent them for their own commercial use as defined at this bio unit page)
(Deep-sea animals have made attempts to light their cold and dark environments by carrying their own lights on their heads and on every other conceivable part of the bodies; including their eyes and tails and the insides of their mouths. The light they shed is living light.)
Word Entries containing the term: “biological
biodegradation, biological degradation
1. The series of processes by which living systems render chemicals less noxious to the environment.
2. The breakdown of organic materials into simple chemicals by biochemical processes..
bioengineering, biological engineering (s) (noun); bioengineerings, biological engineerings (pl)
1. The application of techniques to biological processes; such as, the creation of drugs utilizing bacteria, molds, yeasts, etc.
2. The design, manufacture, and use of replacements or aids for body parts or organs that have been removed or are defective; that is, artificial limbs, hearing aids, etc.
3. The application of methods for achieving biosynthesis of animal and plant products; such as, fermentation processes.
4. The design, manufacture, and use of equipment for industrial biological processes.
biological accumulation (s) (noun), biological accumulations (pl)
The collections within living organisms of toxic substances occurring in the encircled areas.
biological anthropology (s) (noun), biological anthropologies (pl)
See "bioanthropology" for the applicable definition for this biological anthropologyentry.
biological child
Any child conceived rather than adopted by a specified parent, and therefore, carrying genes from the parent.
biological clock
1. An internal time-measuring mechanism which helps to adjust an organism's daily activities, seasonal activities, or both in response to environmental cues.
2. The internal mechanism of an organism that regulates circadian rhythms (daily cycles of activities) observed in many living organisms and various other periodic cycles.

The mechanism of the biological clock has long proved elusive; however, a molecular basis for such a clock in the fruit fly Drosophila has been discovered, and similar mechanisms may well apply in other organisms.

It is based on the cyclical rise and fall in the concentrations of certain proteins which form part of a negative feedback loop that controls transcription of their own genes.

biological community
All of the organisms inhabiting a given area.
biological concentration
biological control
The use of natural predators or parasites, instead of chemicals, to control pests.

The most famous successful example was the introduction of the gray moth, Cactoblastis cactorum, into Australia to control the prickly pear, Opuntia inermis, which was over running vast tracts of land. The moth's caterpillars eat the shoots of the plant.

Another example is the introduction of parasitic wasps that lay their eggs inside the eggs of pest insects; such as, corn borers that attack corn (maize).

Populations of insect pests may also be reduced by releasing sterile males to mate with the females, or by using sex-attractant chemicals (pheromones) to trap males or females.

biological dose (s) (noun), biological doses (pl)
The amount of radiation absorbed in biological material: The scientist developed a way to measure the biological dose of the radiation treatment of the lump on the patient’s foot.
biological dosimetry (s) (noun) (usually only singular)
An area of science that uses the physical damage produced by radiation to estimate radiation doses: It was small comfort for the patient to know that the tissue damage sustained from the radiation was considered important for biological dosimetry.
biological effective dose; abbreviated, BED (s) (noun), biological effective doses (pl)
The amount of a substance that is sufficient to bring about some significant physiological changes in the affected organism; specifically, the level of exposure to a toxic substance that is required to produce a harmful effect: The doctors continue to study the biological effective doses of radiation that are being administered to treat the skin cancer of Mark's cousin.
biological father
A natural father.
biological half-life
The time required for the quantity of a material in a specified tissue, organ, or region of the body; especially, a toxin; to reduce in quantity by half as a result of biological processes.
biological hazard potential, BHP
A total measure of the danger to living organisms presented by a certain quantity of radioactive materials, accounting for the variation in biological effects on different individuals within the given population.
biological integrity
The ability to support and maintain balanced and integrated functionality in the natural habitat of a given region.

The concept is applied primarily in drinking water management.

biological mother
biological oceanography (s) (noun), biological oceanographies (pl)
The study of oceanic or sea life of plants and animal lives in relation to their marine environment.
biological oxidation
Decomposition of complex organic materials by microorganisms.

It occurs in self-purification of water bodies and in activated sludge wastewater treatment.

biological oxygen demand, BOD
A measurement of the amount of oxygen required by aerobic organisms to carry out oxidative metabolism in a given volume of water containing organic material; for example, waste matter in a water supply.
biological parent, birth parent
A parent who has conceived (biological mother) or sired (biological father) rather than adopted a child and whose genes are therefore transmitted to the child.
biological plausibility
When a causal association (or relationship between two factors) is consistent with existing medical knowledge.
biological psychiatry
A school of psychiatric thought concerned with the medical treatment of mental disorders; especially, through medication, and emphasizing the relationship between behavior and brain function and the search for physical causes of mental illness.
biological rhythm
The study of the effect of time on biological events, especially repetitive or cyclic phenomena in individuals.
biological shield
1. A structure of dense material; such as, concrete or lead, around a nuclear reactor to protect against radiation.
2. a mass of absorbing material; for example, concrete or lead, placed around a reactor or radioactive material to reduce the radiation to a level safe for humans.
biological therapy
Any form of treatment for abnormal behavior that alters the individual's physiological processes, including electric shock treatment, surgery, etc.
biological value
The nutritional effectiveness of the protein in a given food, expressed as the percentage used by the body of either the total protein consumed or the digestible protein available.
biological warfare, biowarfare, germ warfare (s); biological warfares, biowarfares, germ warfares (pl) (nouns)
Warfare that makes use of bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc., to disable or to destroy people, domestic animals, and food crops.
Biometrics: Measuring Biological Traits for Security Reasons
Biometrics is used almost exclusively to measure the human-biological traits for security reasons.
Biomimetics: Imitating Biological Processes

Perspectives about how some scientists are utilizing the forces of nature through biomimetics or biomimesis; that is, mimicking nature with technology.

Don't confuse this field of science with a similar term known as biometrics.

(a glossary of biological terms about living creatures including plants and all kinds of animal species and organisms)
(Until recently, the usual explanation for the first pandemics was not biological but a result of immorality)
(one of the group of biological sciences, each of which deals with an aspect of the study of living things)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “biological
biological altruism
Behavior which helps other members of a species but which diminishes an individual's own chance of reproductive success.
This entry is located in the following unit: Biology Terms + (page 2)
biological clock
The internal time-measuring mechanism which helps adjust an organism's daily activities, seasonal activities, or both, in response to environmental cues.
This entry is located in the following unit: Biology Terms + (page 2)
biological control
The use of natural predators, parasites, or disease organisms to reduce the number of pest insects or weed plants.
This entry is located in the following unit: Insects, General Applicable Terms (page 2)
biological pump
The biological mechanisms by which organic matter is relatively rapidly transported from near-surface waters to the deep ocean; such as, through the grazing and defecation of fast-sinking fecal pellets by copepods (defined in this unit) and larger organisms, and the vertical migration of near-surface feeders to mesopelagic depths.
This entry is located in the following unit: Ocean and Deep Sea Terms (page 1)