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Units related to:
(Greek: break, break in pieces; broken, broken in pieces, crush; bend)
(Latin: bend, bending; curve, curving; turn, turning)
(Greek: corner, bend, angle)
(Greek: turning, spinning, whirling, bend, circular motion; originally, "circle, curved, ring")
(Latin: plicare, plecare, to fold, bend, curve, turn, twine, twist, interweave, weave)
(Greek: turn, twist; bend)
(Latin: bend, curve, turn, twist)
(Greek: bend, curve, turn, a turning; response to stimulus)
(Latin: bend, curve, turn, tend toward, incline)
(Latin: bend, turn)
(Latin: bend, curve, turn, turn around, twist, roll)
(Greek: ankos: a bend or hollow, an angle; a valley; also a crag)
(Latin: a corner, a bend)
(from Late Latin, 1526, genuflectionem (genuflexio), from stem of genuflectere "genuflect", from Latin genu, "knee" + flectere< "to bend")
(Greek: sigmoeides, shaped like the letter sigma; pertaining to the sigmoid flexure, the S-shaped bend in the colon; a combining form that usually denotes the sigmoid colon)