2. Empty, void, vacant; unadorned: Marina wanted to hang up some paintings on the bare walls of the room.
The kitchen cupboard was bare.
3. Lacking full threads, bald, thin: The carpet was worn bare from years of use.4. Just enough, scant, meager: Rebekah existed on nothing but the bare necessities of food for six months.
2. A person who expects the price of stocks to go down and who sells them to avoid losing money: As an investment bear, Irwin is hoping to sell his stocks before the market goes even lower.
Jackson's office will bear the brunt of the work.
2. To transport, to carry, to tote, to haul, to take: The donkeys had to bear supplies up the steep mountain trail.3. To give birth to, to bring into being, to bring forth: Jack said, "Yes, Coy's mother did bear three fine sons."
Is it really possible that a woman could bear eight babies as stated in the news?
4. To go, to move, or to turn in a specified direction: When Lucinda gets into town, she will bear to the north at the first street.A large quadruped bruin normally has thick fur, but if it loses this covering because of some kind of skin disease, it could certainly be a bare bear that will simply have to bear its handicap.

2. Support, sustain, maintain, uphold, endure, tolerate: "These columns bear the weight of the roof." "Our office bears the brunt of the work." "He bears responsibility well."
3. Transport, carry, tote, haul, take: "The donkeys bore supplies up the steep mountain trail."
4. Accompany, lead, escort, conduct: "Bear this gentleman to his quarters."
5. Give birth to, bring into being, bring forth, deliver: "The mother did bear three fine sons."
6. Produce, develop, bring forth, engender, generate: "Fruit trees bear blossoms in early spring."
7. Carry, keep in mind, cherish: "Bear these thoughts with you as you go out into the world of work."
8. Tolerate, abide, endure, stand, put up with, undergo, submit to, suffer: "He can not bear the sound of chalk scraping on a chalk board."
9. Pertain, relate, apply, refer, concern, be pertinent to, affect, have bearing on, have respect to, touch upon: "All of this information bears strongly on the subject under discussion."
10. Warrant, invite, admit, be susceptible to, permit, allow, encourage: "This matter bears investigation."
11. Exhibit, manifest, display, show, have, carry, contain, possess, be equipped with, be furnished with, wear: "The letter bears the salutation 'Dear Madam'."
12. Press, push, bear down, force, drive: "To get this door open, you must bear hard against it."
13. Go in the direction of, aim for, turn, tend, bend, curve, diverge, deviate: "Bear right at the intersection then bear left at the next traffic light."

The Greeks referred to the north as the arctic, from arktos, or "bear". It was the region where the "bear" was overhead. The "Great Bear" is known to modern astronomers by the Latin name Ursa Major.
Its seven brightest stars make up the familiar shape, or asterism, of the Big Dipper. The second star of the handle of the dipper, called Mizar, has a companion star, Alcor.
Two stars forming the far side of the bowl act as pointers to the north star, Polaris. Dubhe, one of them, is the constellation's brightest star.