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bad, bade, badly
bad (BAHD) (adjective)
1. Not good, poor, inferior, below standard; faulty, defective: Most people thought that Kelly was a very bad singer.
3. Erroneous, wrong, incorrect: Gretchen's bad spelling kept her from becoming a secretary.
Susan mentioned, "Jarrod, your car won't start if the battery is bad."
2. Immoral, unethical, wrong: Lying is a bad thing.3. Erroneous, wrong, incorrect: Gretchen's bad spelling kept her from becoming a secretary.
bade (BAYD, BAHD) (verb)
To tell, to say, to wish: Delia's friend bade her farewell.
Hal bade his mother goodbye when he left for work.
badly (BAHD lee) (adverb)
1. Poorly, improperly, incorrectly: Elvin did the work very badly.
2. Immorally, unethically, corruptly: The army behaved badly toward the war prisoners.
3. Very much, greatly, intensely: Lorena's tooth hurts badly.
2. Immorally, unethically, corruptly: The army behaved badly toward the war prisoners.
3. Very much, greatly, intensely: Lorena's tooth hurts badly.
Young Tyson wanted a new bicycle badly.
Mindy bade us good bye after we had a very bad meal. In fact, when Kendrick got home, his stomach was behaving badly and he felt ill the rest of the night.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group B; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
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(Latin: bad, badly, harsh, wrong; ill; evil; abnormal, defective; used primarily as a prefix)