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bacchanalian, bacchanalianism, bacchanalism
1. Of, connected with, or relating to bacchanals.
2. Characterized by, connected with, or given to drunken revelry; riotously drunken, roystering (roistering, a rude or noisy reveller).
3. A bacchanal, a drunken reveller, a tippler (a habitual drinker of intoxicating liquor implying more or less excess, but usually short of positive drunkenness).
2. Characterized by, connected with, or given to drunken revelry; riotously drunken, roystering (roistering, a rude or noisy reveller).
3. A bacchanal, a drunken reveller, a tippler (a habitual drinker of intoxicating liquor implying more or less excess, but usually short of positive drunkenness).
This entry is located in the following unit:
bacchus [BAK uhs]
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