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autotrophic (adjective)
1. Capable of synthesizing complex organic substances from simple inorganic substrates; including both the chemoautotrophic and the photoautotrophic organisms.
2. A reference to any organism for which environmental carbon dioxide is the only or main source of carbon in the synthesis of organic compounds by photosynthesis.
2. A reference to any organism for which environmental carbon dioxide is the only or main source of carbon in the synthesis of organic compounds by photosynthesis.
This entry is located in the following units:
auto-, aut-
(page 21)
(page 32)
tropho-, troph-, -trophy, -trophs, -trophically, -trophic, -trophous
(page 2)
Word Entries containing the term:
A lake in which all or most of the organic matter present is derived from within the lake and not from drainage off the surrounding land.
This entry is located in the following units:
auto-, aut-
(page 21)
tropho-, troph-, -trophy, -trophs, -trophically, -trophic, -trophous
(page 2)