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autophage, autophagous, autophagy
1. Self-devouring; the biting or eating of one’s own flesh.
2. The nutrition of the body by the consumption of its own tissues; the feeding upon oneself, sustenance of life during the process of starvation by absorption of the tissues of the body.
3. A reference to precocious offspring who are capable of locating and securing their own food.
2. The nutrition of the body by the consumption of its own tissues; the feeding upon oneself, sustenance of life during the process of starvation by absorption of the tissues of the body.
3. A reference to precocious offspring who are capable of locating and securing their own food.
This entry is located in the following units:
auto-, aut-
(page 16)
phago-, phag-, -phage, -phagi, -phagic, -phagically, -phagia, -phagism, -phagist, -phagic, -phagous, -phagy
(page 3)