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autogenous (adjective), more autogenous, most autogenous
1. Originating within the body: "Autogenous reproduction of a species; such as, a female insect that does not have to feed on anything in order to produce viable eggs that will result in their offspring."
2. A term used by the Germans to mean self-generating or self-induced: "Autogenous exercises or training can refer to self-hypnosis; that is, making suggestions to oneself that can result in relaxation, calmness under stress, or even putting oneself to sleep."
2. A term used by the Germans to mean self-generating or self-induced: "Autogenous exercises or training can refer to self-hypnosis; that is, making suggestions to oneself that can result in relaxation, calmness under stress, or even putting oneself to sleep."
This entry is located in the following units:
auto-, aut-
(page 10)
geno-, gen-, genit-, gener-, -gen
(page 4)
genus, genesis-, -gen, -gene, -genesis, -genetic, -genic, -geny, -genous
(page 1)
Word Entries containing the term:
autogenous training
Autosuggestion or a process by which an individual trains the subconscious mind to believe something, or systematically organizes the person's own mental associations, usually for a given purpose.
This is accomplished through self-suggestion methods or repetitive, constant self-affirmations, and may be seen by some as a form of "self-induced brainwashing".
Whatever one thinks, whether with a negative attitude or a positive belief, it will usually determine what the results will be!
This entry is located in the following unit:
auto-, aut-
(page 10)
Designating a vaccine which is made from a patient's own micro-organisms.
This entry is located in the following units:
auto-, aut-
(page 10)
vaccino-, vaccin-, vaccini-, vacci-, vacc- +
(page 1)