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autoclastics (adjective)
1. Broken in place, said of rocks having a broken or brecciated (rocks with sharp-angled fragments) structure due to crushing, in contrast to those of brecciated materials brought from a distance.
2. Of rock, fragmented in place by folding due to orogenic forces when the rock is not so heavily loaded as to render it plastic.
2. Of rock, fragmented in place by folding due to orogenic forces when the rock is not so heavily loaded as to render it plastic.
This entry is located in the following units:
auto-, aut-
(page 7)
clast-, clas-, -clastic, -clast, -clase, -clasia, -clasis, -clasis, -clasmic, -clasm
(page 1)
-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(page 5)