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auger (AW gur)
A tool for boring holes into wood, leather, etc.: "He used an auger to make holes in the shoes for the shoelaces."
auger, augur, augur
auger (AW gur) (noun)
A tool for boring holes into wood, leather, etc.: Charles used an auger to make holes in the shoes for the shoelaces.
augur (AW gur) (verb)
To foretell, predict, forewarn: Dark clouds augur the coming of the thunderstorm.
augur (AW gur) (noun)
1. A prophet, a prognosticator, an oracle: An ancient Roman augur told Julius Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March".
2. A priest in ancient Rome who was a member of the College of Augurs that numbered twelve; six patricians, and six plebeians: Marc Anthony was a distinguished member of the College of Augurs.
2. A priest in ancient Rome who was a member of the College of Augurs that numbered twelve; six patricians, and six plebeians: Marc Anthony was a distinguished member of the College of Augurs.
The Celtic augur reflected for a long time before he spoke: "I augur that the hero in the epic poem will use an auger to bore his way through the stone wall to make his escape from prison."
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group A; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
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(Greek: auger, borer; parasitic protozoa)