You searched for: “audacities
audacity (s) (noun), audacities (pl)
1. The willingness to take courageous risks: The audacity of the fireman saved the life of the little girl when the apartment building was on fire.
2. Boldness which may be combined with disregard for the consequences; rashness, recklessness: Skydiving takes both audacity and skill.
3. Open disregard for proper behavior or morality; impudence: The woman had the audacity to walk out during the sermon in church.
4. Aggressive rudeness or unmitigated effrontery: Shirley had the audacity to challenge her father's decision that she should not stay out late.
Impudence or showing a lack of respect for another person.
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Additional examples of audacity in action:

A mother challenges her boy's honesty.
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I asked you to tell me where you've been all afternoon! Don't tell me again that you were over at Jimmy's because I called and he said you weren't there. Now, tell me the truth!

The boy responds with an audacious statement.
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Mother, do you have the audacity to doubt my veracity and to insinuate that I prevaricate when I am as pure and undefiled as the icicles that hang from a church steeple?

This entry is located in the following units: -acity (page 1) audac-, audaci- (page 1) -ity (page 2)