2. Free from microorganisms that produce disease, fermentation, or putrefaction: A minimal procedure to ensure one's hands are asepsis is to not only carefully wash them with soap and water, but also to use special alcoholic antiseptics.
Asepsis is a term that is used to distinguish it from "antisepsis" and it applies to the principle in surgery of not applying strong germicides like corrosive sublimate or carbolic acid to wounds.
All of the dressings, swabs, and instruments used in the surgery process are sterilized by steaming, boiling, or dry heat in order to support asepsis.
Asepsis is maintained by using thin, sterilized plastic, or rubber, gloves and gowns with disposable masks which are worn by surgeons to prevent the risk of infection from their hands and wearing apparel.
Surgery that continually utilizes asepsis has the advantage of allowing the germ-destroying activity of the body tissues and their healing powers to increase by not letting antiseptics decrease the vitality of the tissues.