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1. A minimally invasive operation to repair a damaged union between bones: Sam's surgeon examined the joint with an arthroscope while making repairs through a small incision.
2. An alternative to surgical incision and creation of an open surgical wound: The procedures of arthroscopies may be done under either local or general anesthesia; however, infections, bleeding into the joints, swellings, ruptures of the soft tissues which line the non-cartilaginous surfaces within these areas, and other related injuries are possible.
2. An alternative to surgical incision and creation of an open surgical wound: The procedures of arthroscopies may be done under either local or general anesthesia; however, infections, bleeding into the joints, swellings, ruptures of the soft tissues which line the non-cartilaginous surfaces within these areas, and other related injuries are possible.
This entry is located in the following units:
arthro-, arthr-
(page 3)
scopo-, scop-, scept-, skept-, -scope-, -scopy, -scopia, -scopic, -scopist
(page 3)