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An argument or proof of appeal.

This term is not a disagreement, but a proof, especially one used to illuminate or to clarify.

This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
Word Entries containing the term: “argumentum
argumentum ab auctoritate
A proof derived from an autority.
This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
argumentum ab inconvenienti (Latin)
An appeal based on the hardship or inconvenience involved.
argumentum ad absurdum
An appeal pointing out the illogical points of view as presented by an opponent; rather than by establishing the merits of one's own position: "Argument to absurdity, or statements the contents of which are not reasonable or that are considered to be ridiculously foolish."
This entry is located in the following units: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18) surd-, -surd (page 1)
argumentum ad captandum
An appeal based primarily on arousing popular passions.
This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
argumentum ad crumenam
An appeal based on money or the promise of profit.

A crumena was a leather pouch that held money and was secured by a strap around a Roman's neck; therefore, the meaning of argumentum ad crumenam was an apeal to the pocketbook or an argument based on monetary considerations.

This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
argumentum ad hominem
An argument against the man.

Argumentum ad hominem is an effective rhetorical tactic, appealing to feelings rather than to intellect, or directed against an opponent's character rather than the subject under discussion. Argumentum ad hominem is considered a logical fallacy, in that such an argument fails to prove a point by failing to address it. In "practical politics" and in many a court of law, argumentum ad hominem is considered persuasive.

The same name is given to an argument in which one employs an opponent's words or actions. It has been said that an illustration of the argumentum ad hominem is found in the technique of the defense lawyer who, when at a loss for legitimate arguments, attacks the attorney for the plaintiff, but it is said that this is not the current usage of this phrase in the United States.

This entry is located in the following units: homo-, hom-, hum- (page 1) Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
argumentum ad ignorantiam
An argument based on an adversary's ignorance of facts in a controversy.
argumentum ad invidiam
An appeal to envy, jealousy, ill will, or another undesirable human trait.
This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
argumentum ad judicium (a Latin phrase)
1. Translation: "An argument appealing to judgment."
2. Etymology: from Classical Latin argumentum, "argument"; and ad judicium, "to entreat the common judgement of mankind".
This entry is located in the following units: jud-, judic- (page 1) Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
argumentum ad misericordiam
An appeal to pity.
This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
argumentum ad populum
An argument appealing to the interests of the populace.
This entry is located in the following units: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18) popu- (page 1)
argumentum ad rem
A relevant argument.

An argument concerning the point under discussion.

This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 18)
argumentum ad verecundiam
An appeal to an opponent's sense of decency.

An argument concerning the point under discussion.

This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 19)
argumentum baculinum; argumentum baculum
An appeal to force.

This has long been a popular and effecive form of persuasion. The force is suggested by wielding a walking stick (baculum), but a baculum was also the scepter that symbolized magisterial authority, so the force implied may also be that of governmental authority or legal compulsion.

An argument with a cane; the appeal to the use of force in a debate.

This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 19)