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archaeological, archeological (adjective); more archaeological, most archaeological; more archeological, most archeological
Of, relating to, or concerning archaeology: Jack was totally fascinated by the remains of the historic past and decided to go to an archaeological school and later work at archaeological sites!
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Word Entries containing the term:
archaeological chemistry, archeological chemistry (s) (noun); archaeological chemistries; archeological chemistries (pl)
The application of chemical theories, processes, and experimental procedures in order to obtain archaeological data and find solutions of problems in archaeology: The field of archaeological chemistry includes laboratory analysis of artifacts and materials found in an archaeological context.
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archaeo-, archeo-, archae-, arche-, archa-, archi-, -arch
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logo-, log-, -logia, -logic, -logical, -logism, -logician, -logian, -logue
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archaeological chronology, archeological chronology (s) (noun); archaeological chronologies; archeological chronologies (pl)
An archaeological timeline or timescale: An archaeological chronology is an establishment of the temporal sequences of human cultures by the application of a variety of dating methods of cultural remains.
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chrono-, chron-
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logo-, log-, -logia, -logic, -logical, -logism, -logician, -logian, -logue
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-ology, -logy, -ologist, -logist
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archaeological conservancy, archeological conservancy (s) (noun); archaeological conservancies; archeological conservancies (pl)
Any private, nonprofit organization working to save archaeological sites from destruction: An archaeological conservancy works or functions primarily by purchasing threatened sites and protecting the sites until they can be turned over to responsible agencies, such as national parks.
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logo-, log-, -logia, -logic, -logical, -logism, -logician, -logian, -logue
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serv-, -serve
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archaeological culture, archeological culture (s) (noun); archaeological cultures; archeological cultures (pl)
The constantly recurring artifacts or a group of assemblages that represent or are typical of a specific ancient culture at a particular time and place: The term archaeological culture describes the maximum grouping of all assemblages that represent the sum of the human activities carried out within a culture.
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One piece of material collected and recorded as significant evidence by an archaeologist (the plural is used as a singular): Archaeological data falls into four classes: artifacts, ecofacts, features, and structures.
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archaeological geology, archeological geology (s) (noun); archaeological geologies; archeological geologies (pl)
The use of geological techniques and methods in archaeological work: Archeological geology is different from geoarchaeology in that it is a subfield of archaeology focusing on the physical context of deposits.
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geo-, ge- +
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-ology, -logy, -ologist, -logist
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archaeological layer, archeological layer (s) (noun); archaeological layers; archeological layers (pl)
A sedimentary and architectural unit defined by a combination of lithological, pedological, and material cultural criteria: Archaeological layers are created over time as people develop new towns and cities, and then rebuilt them at the same place, as it is the case in Istanbul.
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archaeological method, archeological method (s) (noun); archaeological methods, archeological methods (pl)
One of a variety of means used by archaeologists to find, recover, analyze, preserve, and describe the artifacts and other remains of past human activities: In one of her classes of archeology, she learned all about important archaeological methods used at the sites where objects of ancient times had been found.
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archaeological reconnaissance, archeological reconnaissance (s) (noun); archaeological reconnaissances, archeological reconnaissances
The technique of finding, specifying, and documenting the locations of very old historical sites on the ground by examining different contrasts in the various environments and geographic configurations: In his class of archaeological reconnaissance, James used a special tool called an auger to make holes in the ground so he could extract samples of soil in order to understand the physical features of what once existed in certain areas.
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cogni-, cogn-, cognosc-
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archaeological record, archeological record (s) (noun); archaeological records; archeological records (pl)
The surviving physical remains of past human activities, which are sought, recovered, analyzed, preserved, and described by archaeologists in an attempt to reconstruct the past: Interesting enough, an archaeological record does not include anything written, but only the physical evidence about the historic past.
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archaeological recovery, archeological recovery (s) (noun); archaeological recoveries; archeological recoveries (pl)
The act or process of obtaining artifacts from a site for the purpose of deriving archaeological data: On her first day at the historical site, Violet was overwhelmed at the detailed work of the archaeological recovery of the jugs and cups found beneath the old school house.
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cap-, cip-, capt-, cept-, ceive, -ceipt, -ceit, -cipient
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archaeological sequence, archeological sequence (s) (noun); archaeological sequences; archeological sequences (pl)
A method of placing a group of similar objects into a chronological sequence: An archaeological sequence must also take into account the stylistic changes of the items that have occurred over time.
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sequ-, sequi-, secut-, suit-, -sue
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Any concentration of artifacts, ecofacts, features, and structures manufactured or modified by humans: The archaeological site that Mrs. Black's class visited was a place where the students could see preserved evidence of activities of people who had lived in prehistoric times.
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archaeological survey, archeological survey (s) (noun); archaeological surveys; archeological surveys (pl)
A method used to examine an area to determine if there are any deposits available of people and their cultures: An archaeological survey is a kind of field research to look for archaeological sites, gather information about that locality, in addition to other detailed investigational activities.
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archaeological theory, archeological theory (s) (noun); archaeological theories; archeological theories (pl)
Any theoretical concept used to assess the framework and meaning of the remains of past human activity; An archaeological theory refers to the reconstruction and interpretation of the past by looking beyond the facts and artifacts for explanations of prehistoric events.
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An arbitrary division of classification set up by an archaeologist to separate one grouping of artifacts from another in space and time: Those helping the archaeologist at the historical site were busy arranging the ancient man-made objects in archaeological units.
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(a glossary of archeological terms particularly related to the field of research that can tell us about our origins and our remote past)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
archeological record
The sum total of all artifacts, features and other objects produced by humans, which are found at an archeological site.
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Archeology, Archaeology
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