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arched (s) (adjective), more arched, most arched
1. Referring to something that is formed in a curve; curved: When in the old church, Judy viewed many colourfully arched windows.
2. Provided, made, or covered with an arch: The old bridge in the town was built in an arched manner so as to afford good stability.
2. Provided, made, or covered with an arch: The old bridge in the town was built in an arched manner so as to afford good stability.
This entry is located in the following units:
arc, arc-, arci-, arch, arch-
(page 1)
archaeo-, archeo-, archae-, arche-, archa-, archi-, -arch
(page 4)
(Latin: chamber; from Greek kamara, anything with a vaulted or arched cover; a vault, arched ceiling, or roof)