You searched for: “apogee
apogee (s) (noun), apogees (pl)
1. The point at which a satellite orbiting an astronomical object is farthest from the center of the object being orbited: Jill couldn't see the spacecraft anymore through her telescope because the spacecraft was at its apogee, and so very far away!

The apogee is the point in an orbit that is most distant from the body being orbited.
2. The point in the orbits of the moon around the Earth, or of an artificial satellite, that is most distant from the center of the Earth: When in class, Jill learned that the apogee, or the most distant point of orbit around the moon, was opposite of the perigee, which was the nearest point of the moon to the Earth.
3. The farthest, or highest point; a culmination: In his career, James reached the apogee of being president of the business when he turned thirty.

This entry is located in the following units: apo-, ap-, aph- (page 2) geo-, ge- + (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “apogee
Point of the moon's orbit farthest from the earth.
This entry is located in the following unit: Astronomy and related astronomical terms (page 2)