You searched for: “aphrodite
The goddess of love and beauty, daughter of Zeus in ancient mythology; identified with the Roman goddess Venus.
1. A soft opaque milk-white mineral, consisting mostly of bisilicate of magnesium, allied to Sepiolite or meerschaum.
2. In the sense of foam-stone.
This entry is located in the following units: aphro-, aphr- (page 1) -ite (page 1)
Love and Beauty: Aphrodite, Venus
Greek: Aphrodite (goddess)
Latin: Venus (goddess)

The goddess of love and beauty. Symbols: doves and sparrows.

This entry is located in the following unit: gods and goddesses from Greek and Latin Myths (page 2)
A unit related to: “aphrodite
(Venus, Roman goddess; Aphrodite, Greek goddess; second planet from the sun)
(Greek: Kypris, a name for Venus or Aphrodite; a lewd or licentious woman)
(Greek: Kytheria; another name for Venus or Aphrodite)