You searched for: “anthropologies
anthropology (s) (noun), anthropologies (pl)
1. The science that deals with the study of human culture and evolution, consisting of such sub disciplines as:
  • Physical anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Anthropological linguistics
  • Cultural anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Anthropological linguistics
  • Cultural anthropology
  • Social anthropology
2. The study of the interrelations of biological, cultural, geographical, and historical aspects of humankind: Anthropology is the study of the social and biological aspects of humankind, both past and present because humans are intrigued by who they are, where they came from and why they behave the way they do.
3. The branch of the science that investigates the position of man zoologically, his evolution, and history as a race of animated beings.

The objective study of anthropology has led to the idea of cultural relativity, meaning that all societies must be evaluated within their own cultural frameworks.

Specialists in anthropology attempt to understand human nature and mankind's' place in nature; therefore, as a highly diverse discipline, anthropology is concerned with the sociocultural as well as the biological side of humanness.

The three main events in a human's life are being born, married, and buried; in other words, hatched, matched, and dispatched.

Word Entries containing the term: “anthropologies
academic anthropology (s) (noun), academic anthropologies (pl)
Educational courses that involve the teaching about the comparative study of human societies and cultures and their development: Academic anthropology involves research about mankind throughout history and in modern times.
applied anthropology (s) (noun), applied anthropologies (pl)
1. Any use of anthropological knowledge to influence social interactions, to maintain or to change social institutions, or to direct the courses of cultural change.
2. A branch of anthropology that concerns itself with applying anthropological knowledge to achieve practical objectives; usually, in the service of an agency outside the traditional academic setting.
biological anthropology (s) (noun), biological anthropologies (pl)
See "bioanthropology" for the applicable definition for this biological anthropologyentry.
clan anthropology (s) (noun), clan anthropologies (pl)
A kinship group normally comprising several lineages or ancestors; its members are related by a unilingual descent rule, but it is too large to enable members to trace actual biological links to all of the other members.
class anthropology (s) (noun), class anthropologies (pl)
A system of stratification defined by unequal access to economic resources and prestige, but permitting individuals to alter their current ranks.
cultural anthropology (s) (noun), cultural anthropologies (pl)
The scientific study of arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievements regarded collectively or the understanding of specific societies; including social structure, language, religion, art, and technology.
descriptive anthropology (s) (noun), descriptive anthropologies (pl)
A branch of human studies that provides scientific descriptions of individual societies of people.
fecal anthropology (s) (noun), fecal anthropologies (pl)
The study of human excrement to determine the diet and health of the people who produced it: Elements of seeds, small bones, and parasite eggs provide clues in fecal anthropology and intact feces of ancient people may be found in caves, in arid climates, and in other places where people have lived in the past.
forensic anthropology (s) (noun), forensic anthropologies (pl)
The branch of physical studies of humans in which data, criteria, and techniques are used to determine the sex, age, genetic population, or parentage of skeletal or biological materials in questions of civil or criminal law: Forensic anthropology may also help determine the length of life, gender, stature, and unique features of the deceased people from their remains.
hematological anthropology (s) (noun), hematological anthropologies (pl)
The study of the constituents of the blood with reference to the differential distribution of blood groups, hemoglobin types, and other variables among human populations.
linguistic anthropology (s) (noun), linguistic anthropologies (pl)
The recording and systematic analysis and comparisons from several points of view of the innumerable speech forms of peoples: The attention of linguistic anthropologies involves the analysis of the phonetic and grammatical structures of languages as they affect the thoughts and behaviours of cultural values.

The study of linguistic anthropology developed an interest in the relations between language and culture and in the role that language might play in the habitual actions or conduct toward each other.

physical anthropology (s) (noun), physical anthropologies (pl)
The branch of human culture that studies the development over time of the bodily characteristics and the differences in appearances among the various people of the world, as distinct from cultural differences: Physical anthropology is concerned with the related problems of tracing the emergence of mankind as an animal form and the nature, causes, and significance of past and present variations in the biological characteristics of the various human species and breeds.

Some law enforcement agencies often call upon physical anthropologists to identify skeletal remains because of the kinds of information which may be derived from a skeleton about the gender, age, stature, race, bone diseases, individual structural peculiarities; such as, right-handed or left-handedness; and the major blood types which can be determined because blood group substances are present in several tissues and fluids of the bodiy, includig the spongy tissue found inside the vertebrae and the joints of the long bones.

serological anthropology (s) (noun), serological anthropologies (pl)
The study of the variability of blood serum constituents among human groups; a subdivision of hematological anthropology.
social anthropology (s) (noun),social anthropologies (pl)
The study of human groups characteristics that are acquired amd transmitted by learning; such as, social organizations, kinship systems, social rules, tribal organizations, community structures, classes, castes, technologies, languages, customs, traditions, religions, art, etc.: Social anthropologyconcentrates on the analysis and explanations of the whole range of relations with people as parts of a system of community organizations or structures.
visual anthropology (s) (noun), visual anthropologies (pl)
A branch of anthropology which studies the visual elements of human culture in the form of artwork and utilitarian objects (designed primarily for practical use rather than beauty); involving issues; such as, why a culture chooses one form over another or one material type over another type.
zoological anthropology (s) (noun), zoological anthropologies (pl)
The study of humans with particular references to mankind's place in the animal kingdom and with special emphasis on comparisons with other primates.