You searched for: “anthraces
anthrax (s) (noun), anthraces (pl)
1. An acute infection caused by the spore-forming bacteria Bacillus anthracis: "Anthrax commonly affects hoofed animals: such as, grazing-herbivore sheep, cattle, horses, mules, and goats; however, it can occasionally spread to humans, affecting either the skin, intestines, or lungs. In humans, the infection can usually be treated, but the disease is often fatal to cattle, sheep, and goats, and their hides, wool, and bones are often heavily contaminated."

"Infection of anthrax in humans often involves the skin (cutaneous anthrax), the lungs (inhalation anthrax), or the gastrointestinal tract."

"In humans, anthrax is almost always an occupational hazard that is contracted by those who handle animal hides (farmers, butchers, and veterinarians) or the people who sort wool."

2. Etymology: "any severe boil or carbuncle", from Greek and then from Latin, anthrax, "charcoal, live coal".

"The anthrax bacterium, and its associated disease, get their name from the Greek word meaning "coal" because of the characteristic coal-black sore that is the indicator of the most common form of the disease."

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Word Entries containing the term: “anthraces
cutaneous anthrax (s) (noun), cutaneous anthraces (pl)
In humans, an acute infection caused by the spore-forming bacteria that usually occurs when the spores enter a cut or abrasion, causing a skin (cutaneous) infection at the site: "Cutaneous anthrax is considered to be the mildest and most common form of the disease."

"Usually, at first, the bacteria of cutaneous anthrax will cause an itchy, raised area like an insect bite; then within one to two days, inflammation will show up around the raised area, and a blister will form around the area of dying skin tissue which becomes black in the center."

"Other symptoms of cutaneous anthraces may include shivering and chills. In most cases, the bacteria stay within the sore; however, if they spread to the nearest lymph node, or if they escape into the bloodstream; the bacteria can cause a form of blood poisoning that can result in death."

This entry is located in the following unit: anthraco-, anthrac-, anthra- (page 2)
inhalation anthrax (s) (noun), inhalation anthraces (pl)
Breathing in the bacterial spores can lead to a rare, often-deadly form of anthrax known as pulmonary or inhalation anthrax that attacks the lungs and sometimes spreads to the brain: "Inhalation anthrax begins with flulike symptoms; such as, fever, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, and a shortness of breath."

"As early as one day after these initial symptoms appear, and as long as two weeks later, the symptoms can quickly get worse and cause bronchitis."

"A person can have difficulty breathing, and finally, the patient can enter a state of shock. This kind of anthrax is often fatal, even when it is treated within one or two days after the symptoms appear."

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