You searched for:
anthotaxia, anthotaxy
1. The arrangement or disposition of flowers in a cluster.
2. The science of the relative position of flowers; inflorescence.
2. The science of the relative position of flowers; inflorescence.
This entry is located in the following units:
antho-, anth-, anthero-, anther-, -antherous, -anthemous, -anthic, -anthous, -anthus, -anthy
(page 3)
taxi-, tax-, taxo-, taxio-, -taxia, -taxis, -taxy, tact-, -tactic, -tactical, -tactics
(page 1)
Arrangement of flowers according to their inflorescence.
This entry is located in the following unit:
antho-, anth-, anthero-, anther-, -antherous, -anthemous, -anthic, -anthous, -anthus, -anthy
(page 4)