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A medicine or remedy that soothes or relieves pain: The doctor told Saul that there were several safe anodynes from which to choose to relieve the pain in his foot.
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This entry is located in the following units:
a-, an-
(page 13)
odyn-, odyno-, -odynia, -odynic,-odyne, -odyn, -dyne, -dynia +
(page 1)
anodyne (adjective), more anodyne, most anodyne
Relating to something that can soothe or put an end to pain: The ointment that Dr. Smart gave Jill was very anodyne and relieved the painful spot on her leg.
This entry is located in the following unit:
odyn-, odyno-, -odynia, -odynic,-odyne, -odyn, -dyne, -dynia +
(page 1)