An animal is a creature that is distinguished from plants by having independent movements and responsive sense organs.
2. Any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising of multicellular organisms that have a well-defined shape and usually limited growth, can move voluntarily, actively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensory and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli: Some animals are restricted to being quadrupeds and applied especially to such as those that are used by man, as a horse, a donkey, or a dog.3. Etymology: from Latin animale, "living being, a being which breathes."
An older definition from the 1755 Dictionary of the English Language
Animals are such beings, which, besides the power of growing, and producing their kind, as plants and vegetables have, are endowed also with sensation and spontaneous motion.
Animals with Photos, Maps, and More; Dr. Lucy Spelman; National Geographic Society; Washington D.C.; 2012.
Whether animal faith can be the same as religious faith is dependent on another definition of religion.
Wildlife habitats are classified as either aquatic (water), terrestrial (land), or amphibious (water and land).
A visual 'who's who' of all the world's creatures edited by Dr. Philip Whitfield; Macmillan Publishing Company; New York; 1984.
Printed in Hong Kong.
Earth's Astonishing Animals and where they live; Editor in chief, Nancy Laties Feresten; National Geographic Society; Washington, DC; 2010.
Printed in Hong Kong.
The Definitive Visual Guide; Editors-in Chief, David Burnie and Don E. Wilson; Dorling Kindersley Publisher; London; 2011.
Printed and bound by Hung Hing, China.
Jack wanted to make chili for dinner, but he didn’t want to use animal flesh, so he added a vegeto animal hamburger that was made with vegetables instead, even though it looked like meat.