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1. A feeling of anxiety or apprehension combined with a feeling of depression and neurotic gloom: The term angst was popularized in English by the translation of Sigmund Freud's work, who was an Austrian neurologist, but it was a foreign word until the 1940s.

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Jeremy, being just a teenager, had a feeling of angst after he suddenly lost both of his parents in a car accident and didn't know what kind of future he would have.
2. Etymology: from German angst, "neurotic fear, anxiety, guilt, remorse" from Old High German angust, from the root of anger.For many writers, the question of how technology will shape book publishing inevitably leads to the question of how writers will be paid. Currently, publishers have been paying authors an advance against royalties, which are conventionally earned at the rate of 15 percent of the cover price of each copy sold.
The internet makes it a lot easier for writers to spread their content free of charge. Not surprisingly, writers have greeted these measures with a mixture of enthusiasm and dread or angst.

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A feeling of anxiety, apprehension, and dread. (1)
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