monandaeg (Monday)
Tiwesdaeg (Tuesday)
Wodensdaeg (Wednesday)
Thursdaeg (Thursday)
Frigedaeg (Friday)
Saterndaeg (Saturday)
For some Old Scandinavians, the name for Saturday was Loverdag, "bath-night" or "washing-day" because the Danes were noted for their cleanliness, according to an old chronicler.
Sprout-kale (February)
Hlyd-monath (March)
Eostur-monath (April)
Thromilchi (May)
Litha (June)
Maed-monath (July)
Weod-monath or Scere-monath (August)
Harvest-monath (September)
Winterfylleth (October)
Blod-monath (November)
Heligh-monath (December)
Wulf-monath indicated the time of the year when hungry wolves came into the villages.
Sprout-kale was the time of the year when cabbages sprouted.
Hlyd-monath expressed the month when there were storms.
Eostur-monath commemorated the goddess of fertility.
Thromilchi supposedly was the month when cows could be milked three times a day.
Litha has a meaning which can not be determined with certainty.
Maed-monath (mead-month) was when meadows were in bloom.
Weod-monath (weed-month) or Scere-monath, was the month for shearing.
Harvest-monath is easily understood.
Winterfylleth, or the full moon, marked the beginning of winter.
Blod-monath (blood month) was when the cattle and other domestic animals were butchered.
Heligh-monath was "holy-month".