2. A financial backer for a play; a patron, a sponsor: Gilbert is an angel of the new play on Broadway.
"An angel is a person who puts up money for theatrical plays when it's a case of dough or die."
2. A bend, a corner, or an edge: The road makes a sharp angle just over that hill.
3. Point of view or a viewpoint; a perspective: Brian, try to look at the situation from my angle.
The view of the valley is beautiful from this angle.
2. Trying to get something in a clever or indirect way: Glenda will angle for a promotion when she tells her boss about her new selling technique.
Our uncle or Family Angel is an avid fisherman and enjoys angle fishing.
This seems to require following the old country road with all the twists and angles in it to get to the stream.
Although Kevin prefers to fish by himself, John will often angle his way into going with him. Kevin usually set his rod at a sharp angle and then he would lie back and relax in the sun.
2. A surface which is not level or straight: The hill behind Jim's house slopes down an angle of about 30 degrees.
3. The position from which something is approached or looked at: Shirley took pictures of the same scene from several different angles.
4. A bend or a curve: The road makes a sharp angle just over that hill.
3. A point of view or a perspective: Come on Ted, try to look at the situation from Mary's angle.
The view of the valley is beautiful from this angle of the hill.
2. To present something in a special way or from a different point of view: Theodore, the reporter, was trying to angle the story in the newspaper to appeal to more young people.
The other angle responded by saying: "Thanks for the compliment!"
2. An angle that specifies a particular instant in an alternating-current (AC) cycle or expresses the phase difference between two alternating quantities which is usually expressed in electrical degrees.
The phase difference between two alternating quantities is expressed as an electrical angle.
2. A phasemeter or a device for measuring the difference in phase of two alternating currents of electromotive forces which makes use of electronic devices; such as, amplifiers and limiters, that convert the alternating-current voltages being measured into square waves whose spacings are proportional to phase.
The limiters mentioned in the above definitions refer to electronic circuits that are used to prevent the amplitudes of electronic waveforms from exceeding specified levels while preserving the shapes of the waveforms at amplitudes less than the specified levels.
Also known as amplitude limiters; amplitude-limiting circuits; automatic peak limiters; clippers; clipping circuits; limiter circuits; and peak limiters.
A surface that directly faces the sun has a solar angle of incidence of zero, but if the surface is parallel to the sun (for example, sunrise striking a horizontal rooftop), the angle of incidence is 90°.
The tilt angle can be set or adjusted to maximize seasonal or annual energy collection.
2. The angle between the direction to the zenith (point of the celestial sphere vertically overhead) and the direction of a light ray.