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1. Compounds capable of relieving pain without the loss of consciousness or without producing anesthesia: Dr. Lawson, the dentist, injected Randal with a powerful analgesic so she could drill the decayed tooth without causing him any pain.
2. Those drugs that primarily relieve pain without blocking nerve-impulse conduction or markedly altering sensory functions: The new analgesic which Dr. Jones used was exceptional in terms of relieving or reducing Desiree's severe pain.
2. Those drugs that primarily relieve pain without blocking nerve-impulse conduction or markedly altering sensory functions: The new analgesic which Dr. Jones used was exceptional in terms of relieving or reducing Desiree's severe pain.
This entry is located in the following units:
a-, an-
(page 10)
algesi-, alge-, alges-, algesio-, algi-, algio-, -algesia, -algesic, -algetic, -algic, -algia, -algy
(page 2)
-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(page 3)