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acronym, anagram
acronym (AK ruh nim) (noun)
A word formed from the first (or first few) letters of a series of words; such as, "radar" (radio detecting and ranging): Some people are confused by what appears to be one acronym after another; especially, on the internet and by government organizations.
anagram (AN uh gram") (noun)
A word or phrase made from another by rearranging its letters (Ex.: "now" can become "won"; "dread" can be transformed into "adder"): The anagram is just one of many kinds of word games that are around.

The television station issued a challenge to its viewers to suggest an acronym which would be the name of the new program for the fall that would feature an anagram contest.

1. A transposition of the letters of a word, name, or phrase, whereby a new word or phrase is formed.
2. A word or phrase that contains all the letters of another word or phrase in a different order; for example, "no more stars" is an anagram of "astronomers".

The word "now" is an anagram of "won" and "dread" is an anagram of "adder" (or vice versa in each example). Other interesting anagrams came from William Shakespear: "We all make his praise" and "I ask me has Will a peer?" Samuel Butler had a novel titled, Erewhon, which is an anagram of "Nowhere".

Another famous anagram comes from Pilate's question as seen in the Bible; John 18:38, Quid est veritus? (What is truth?) Vir est qui adest. (It is the man before you.) Pilate is not credited with having arranged this anagram.

The Bible passage merely says, "Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault [crime] at all." The point is, there is no reason to believe that Pilate compiled the anagram!

Man's security comes from within himself, and the security of all men is founded upon the security of the individual.

—Manly Hall