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anabaptize (verb), anabaptizes; anabaptized; anabaptizing
1. To immerse a person in water or to sprinkle a person with water again: Susan was anabaptized or rechristened in order to to wash away her sins and to rename her.
2. To purify or to symbolically cleanse someone spiritually: In school Grace learned that people back in 1637 were anabaptized in order to sanctify and to lustrate them from guilt or defilement.
3. To introduce or to initiate someone into an activity which is to be accomplished: Adam was anabaptized once more when he applied for a job as an a reporter in TV productions.
2. To purify or to symbolically cleanse someone spiritually: In school Grace learned that people back in 1637 were anabaptized in order to sanctify and to lustrate them from guilt or defilement.
3. To introduce or to initiate someone into an activity which is to be accomplished: Adam was anabaptized once more when he applied for a job as an a reporter in TV productions.