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amphibious (adjective), more amphibious, most amphibious
1. Descriptive of a creature that is adapted to live on land as well as in water: Some animals, including frogs and toads, are amphibious in that they can survive both in streams and in dry areas.
2. Referring to something that can operate both on soil and in very wet areas: Jack’s parents had an amphibious vehicle which could be driven on the highway or even across a river without using a bridge!Hudibras
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2. Referring to something that can operate both on soil and in very wet areas: Jack’s parents had an amphibious vehicle which could be driven on the highway or even across a river without using a bridge!
Amphibious. That which partakes of two natures, so as to live in two elements; as, in air and water.
A creature of amphibious nature,
On land a beast, a fish in water.
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ampho-, amph-, amphi-
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bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
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A reference to the capability of living in water and on land.
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Insects, General Applicable Terms
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